RHEL installation

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  • #2086
    Khan Hekmatyar

    I was trying to install jmrui beta version on my redhat linux computer, it was unsuccessful. I was able to follow all the step by step approach in README file, However, I was stumbled at this step.

    vi. edit the file /etc/profile by typing sudo gedit /etc/profile and add to the end of the file the following lines :
    vii. update the file by typing . /etc/profile

    After adding these lines in profile file, updating does not work, it says “invalid identifier” by typing . /etc/profile

    Even ignoring this step and continued to install and followed other steps and when i try to launch the program, it did not work.
    Anys suggestions or workarounds?

    In the readme file, what is the symbol or notation next to typing, JAVA,?

    viii. update JAVA alternatives in your operating system by typing – in this case we will assign number 5 to 32bit JAVA – this number depends on the quantity of Java virtual machines you’ve installed in your operating system.

    Khan Hekmatyar
    Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, USA,

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