
The pages under the “Features” menu entry describe the most important characteristics of the jMRUI software. This is the list of linked pages and a brief description of their content.

Main features: that page summarizes the most relevant features of the jMRUI software, in particular, that all processing is carried out on the time-domain, i.e. on the measured FID or Echo, and that Fourier Transformation is only used to display the spectra.

Preprocessing: the software provides multiple methods to assist you in reading your spectrum for the quantitation step or for pattern recognition studies.

Quantitation: jMRUI comes with an assorted set of quantitation methods, whether to integrate peaks using simple black-box SVD-based methods or more advanced methods like AMARES or AQSES that incorporate prior-knowlege to the model, or to quantify the spectrum by fitting a metabolite basis set.

Virtual scanner: the NMR-SCOPE and NMRScopeB tools allow to simulate the spectrum of metabolites.

Clinical features: jMRUI includes plugins that make the software ready for the clinical environment: DICOM compatible, combined display of MR spectroscopy and imaging, and more.

Screenshots: Everyone likes screenshots, thus we have assembled a collection of screen captures to give you an idea of what the software looks like.


