License & download

This page briefly summarizes how to license the jMRUI software and its most relevant license terms, and how to obtain the software once you are granted a license.

Overview of the registration process

jMRUI is proprietary software made freely available to not-for-profit organizations and for non-commercial uses. The software is distributed under the terms set in the license agreement between the MRUI Consortium and the registered user (licensee), and the licensee formally agrees to such license terms when applying for registration.

IMPORTANT: the MRUI Consortium no longer enforces the requirements that (1) applicants must sign and submit a printed copy of the license agreement, or that (2) the software is exclusively licensed to Principal Investigators and/or a Senior Researcher responsible of a Department or Unit.

Most relevant jMRUI license terms

The license terms in the jMRUI agreement are quite similar to those of many software programs and they are meant to protect the intellectual property and exploitation rights of the jMRUI Consortium and at the same time to promote the use of the software for non-commercial research uses. The most relevant license terms are:

  • It is a perpetual, royalty-free, non-exclusive and non-transferable agreement between the jMRUI Consortium and the Licensee.
  • The jMRUI software cannot be used for commercial or industrial purposes.
  • The Licensee agrees to neither distribute, nor resell, nor sublicense the jMRUI software to a third party.
  • The Licensee can install the software in any computer he/she uses for his/her research.
  • If the Licensee is the Principal Investigator of a research group, all members of the research group can use the software for the research purposes of the research group.
  • The Licensee will cite the relevant references in all publications of research results that involved the use of the jMRUI software.

The above summary does not constitute a replacement of the full jMRUI license agreement, accordingly we recommend you to carefully read the jMRUI license terms and conditions prior to applying for registration and downloading the software. Notice that by downloading, installing or running the jMRUI software you agree to the terms and conditions of the jMRUI License Agreement and become legally bound to such terms.

IMPORTANT: Third party plugins may be distributed under its own license terms and you may be required to sign a separate license agreement with the plugin authors before being granted access to the plugin. Check each plugin page for additional details.

How to download jMRUI

If you applied for registration in the past and your license request was approved, you own an account on this site, and you can download the jMRUI software at any time from the Download page by login first to your account.

In case you ever forget your user name and/or password, go to the password recovery page and request a new password. You should receive an email with a link that will allow you to reset your password.

Licensing jMRUI for commercial use

To use the jMRUI software for a commercial/for-profit use, please contact the jMRUI Software Development Coordinator to arrange a License Agreement for Commercial Use. The current coordinator is:

  • Jana STARČUKOVÁ, Ph.D.
    Institute of Scientific Instruments
    Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
    Královopolská 147
    612 64 Brno
    Czech Republic
    E-mail: jana dot starcukova at isibrno dot cz

Current version & requirements

The current stable version of jMRUI and its hardware and software requirements on the supported platforms are mentioned on the Download page for each distribution file.

If you already hold a valid jMRUI license and you used the MRUI Licensees Database (MLD) to download the software, read this short note for a smooth transition from the MLD to this new site.

Q&A for past MRUI licensees

What has happened to the MLD?

Since the release of this new jMRUI website, the MLD has been considered deprecated and we had planned to close it shortly after completing the move of all accounts from the MLD to the new jMRUI website. We think the new site does a much better job than the MLD did and it makes much easier to download the jMRUI software.

Where is my MLD account?

Your MLD account has been transformed into an account at the new jMRUI website, and we have kept your username and password.

If you do not recall which was your password at the MLD, use the password recovery tool on this website to restore it. You will have to enter either your username (the same you had at the MLD) or the email address associated to your account. And if you find yourself helpless, do not worry, contact us and we will try to help you.

How can I download jMRUI?

To download jMRUI you must log to your account at the new website. Your user-name and password are the same that you had at the MLD.

If you do not recall which was your password at the MLD, read the answer to the previous question for help.

Is there a feature equivalent to the “group password”?

Unfortunately, this feature is no longer available at the new website because we could not found an easy way to implement it. All accounts at the new website are personal, and you should not share it with other members of your research group. Accordingly, if other group members must download the jMRUI software on their own, the best solution is that they register to have a personal account.

What will happen to the “alternative contact persons” I had defined?

Unfortunately, this feature is no longer available at the new website because we could not found an easy way to implement it. The best option for those in your research group who were defined as “alternative contact person”at the MLD is to register to get a personal account.

I cannot log in no matter what I try!

Do not worry, get in touch with us and we will help you to solve the problem.
