Socket Issue for NMRScope-B on Linux

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  • #3027
    John LaMaster


    I work on Linux and I have the software and all of the dependencies installed. I saw here on the forum that “96% of the socket issues are caused by a python installation problem”. I work in python on a daily basis, so I’m rather confident that it’s not the problem. Additionally, I have tried python2 and python3 and neither one has resolved the issue. The readme file says it is possible that the firewall may be preventing the two programs from communicating, but it has no suggestions for how to resolve it. Are there any other resources or suggestions for how to resolve this issue?

    Thank you in advance for any and all help.


    Zenon Starcuk

    Hi John,

    definitely focus on Py2, your NMRScopeB has been developed for Py2.7. (Py3 version exists but hasn’t been released yet.)

    What exactly happens? Is python started? Is the server started? What are the diagnostic messages?

    Try to start NMRScopeB independently of jMRUI by running the script from the <jmrui>/lib folder. Do you get any diagnostic message? The expected one would be “Server is listening for incoming connections on port 42314”.

    If successful, consider changing the port number. There is a small chance that the default port number 42314 is already used, so you may try to pick another and try again. (To do so, change the number in and in

    Please report the results.

    Best regards,

    Zenon Starcuk
    Acad. of Sciences of the Czech Rep.

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