How to request a feature

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  • #696

    If you want to request a new feature for jMRUI, this is the right forum to do so. Here are few hints:

    • Make sure you use the latest version of jMRUI. Don’t ask for features if running an old version because they may be already implemented in a newer version.
    • Describe the feature with as much detail as possible.
    • Write a meaningful and informative Subject line.
    • Report the jMRUI version and operating system, e.g. “jMRUI v. 5.0, Windows 7 32-bits”.

    Last, sometimes it is useful to attach a screen shot to illustrate the requested feature. For that purpose you can use one of many free tools available on the Internet, or the feature available in your operating system. For instance, in Microsoft Windows:

    1. Press [PrintScreen] to make a screen shot, then
    2. Open any image editor, e.g. Paint, and press [Ctrl]+[V] to paste the captured image.
    3. Save the image to a JPEG or PNG file, and
    4. Attach the new screen shot file to the message.
    5. Optionally, you can insert the attached image in the message body.
    Anindita Sengupta


    When I was going through the SpectrIm User Manual available in jMRUI 6.0 beta released version, the “Processing” tab is giving me the following options other than the one shown in the manual. Why is it so? How to get those options? Which version should I download for that?
    (I don’t have the options for Pre-Process and Quantify Spectra(QUEST), Pre-Process Spectra, Quantify Spectra(QUEST), Select Pre-Processing Group, Select Metabolite Model, Use Custom Metabolite Model File)
    Please help!!


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