FID and spectra are swapped

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  • #1975
    Ekaterina Brui

    I have faced a problem while uploading FID data obtained from Bruker Biospec 4.7T. I use 1D mode and it seems that FID and spectra data are swapped: I see FID signal in frequency domain and a spectra in time domain. What could I do wrong?


    What version of jMRUI do you use?

    Ekaterina Brui

    It’s jMRUI Version Number: 5.2, build 008


    There was a bug in the version 5.2 that has been removed in the version 6.0. To remedy the problem in version 5.2 please remove the Mrui.init file from the .emrui sub-directory in your users home directory (

    Note: the bug is not related to the Bruker data format


    • This reply was modified 7 years ago by Jana.
    Ekaterina Brui

    Thank you for the advice. I had removed that file but it has been created automatically again at the same place. So the problem hasn’t gone.


    Have you ever opened your data with jMRUI successfully in past (i.e. fid was identified as fid)?
    If not please would you provide me with the troubled data by sending the zipped folder to ?
    If you successfully opened the data in past however, removal of the jmrui.ini file should help ( jMRUI will behave as you were started it for the first time and will create a new default jmrui.ini file).

    Ekaterina Brui

    Hello, Jana.
    Yes, I have opened data from Bruker Biospec 7T previously and everything was ok. I’ll send you an example of troubled data. Thank you for your help!

    Ekaterina Brui

    The jmrui.ini file has been created as you have told but the data was still swapped


    We found out that the troubled data were not spectra but 1d spatial data (they were acquired with a gradient ON). From this reason they cannot be loaded to jMRUI.

    Dustin Ragan

    I am actually having the same problem, but with Siemens data on version 6.0. Are there any known issues (or ideas about what’s happening)? I haven’t opened this data before, so it isn’t a sudden occurrence of a problem.

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